Plan for your goals!

You want to start your business and achieve your goals!

In this article you will get to know about planning to achieve your dreams of becoming a successfull business owner and entrepreneur. After a little read you will also see a tool you can use for specific planning. 

What are your goals for starting a business and becoming an entrepeneur? Being rich, helping people trying something new? Many who are starting a business either have a goal of making money without being dependent of other people and their schedules. Some need extra income to make it work or to have a little extra for the sweet things in life. So wich of these are you? 

When you got that sorted out lets talk business plan! How, what, where and at wich time do you do the stuff you do? When you are at the start of your journey it may come times you`re not shure what you should do! I know, I`ve been there. You need to know what you are supposed to do and act as CEO of your company until you can hire one. When...

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Business Mindset Mastery

When I started my own business in my hometown in Norway I really didn`t know what it took to be a business owner and entrepreneur. And I had to learn the hard way! 

This is the story about how I did What I did and why I do what I do, and in the end you are going to find tools you can use to elevate your self and your business. Because both goes hand in hand. I would recommend you read the story first so you can gap over some of the hardships so many of us had to endure.

I really was full of my self! 

I had the credentials in order, I knew I was really good at the job and I was ready for emediate success! I over did my self in every aspect, and never actually realized that no one else knew who I was. I am well educated in my field and I found out the hard way that people really did not care. They needed to get to know me. 

This was the first realization I had with how hard it could become!

In the following months I had to learn so very much about my self, sales and how...

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