Business Mindset Mastery

When I started my own business in my hometown in Norway I really didn`t know what it took to be a business owner and entrepreneur. And I had to learn the hard way! 

This is the story about how I did What I did and why I do what I do, and in the end you are going to find tools you can use to elevate your self and your business. Because both goes hand in hand. I would recommend you read the story first so you can gap over some of the hardships so many of us had to endure.

I really was full of my self! 

I had the credentials in order, I knew I was really good at the job and I was ready for emediate success! I over did my self in every aspect, and never actually realized that no one else knew who I was. I am well educated in my field and I found out the hard way that people really did not care. They needed to get to know me. 

This was the first realization I had with how hard it could become!

In the following months I had to learn so very much about my self, sales and how to tap into peoples will to buy. It was really hard for me because I really needed to make money and was so sure that I would make lots of it in a very little time. I over estimated my ability to grow and develop my company in a short time span, and I never even once thought about the future. 

I had to take a time out!

It was the hardest thing I did, but also the most important. A few month off to think trough everything and learn. So when you read more of my content and follor the things I do, remember this! This is me, I learned everything the hard way! I went to anxiety and depression to get here. And now I have a thriving company and ready to teach you how. 

Here I will give you 3 facts to consider:

1. You are willing to learn from every mistake

2. You are ready to grow both personally and professionally

3. You are ready to get systems in place to reach your goals

When you can answer "yes" to at least 2 of these you are ready to get to work. And to get you going you want to follow the link and download the PDF-file wich explains how to get your self going! 

It all starts with you!

Click this link!


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