Business Mindset Mastery

When I started my own business in my hometown in Norway I really didn`t know what it took to be a business owner and entrepreneur. And I had to learn the hard way! 

This is the story about how I did What I did and why I do what I do, and in the end you are going to find tools you can use to elevate your self and your business. Because both goes hand in hand. I would recommend you read the story first so you can gap over some of the hardships so many of us had to endure.

I really was full of my self! 

I had the credentials in order, I knew I was really good at the job and I was ready for emediate success! I over did my self in every aspect, and never actually realized that no one else knew who I was. I am well educated in my field and I found out the hard way that people really did not care. They needed to get to know me. 

This was the first realization I had with how hard it could become!

In the following months I had to learn so very much about my self, sales and how...

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